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Industrial Scales and Applications

Modern scales that are easy to use and are prominent for their flexibility, robust construction and simple installation. Weight indicators DPA and TPT are universal instruments that are connected to load cells built in weighing instruments.

Floor Scales

Floor Scales

Bench Scales

Bench Scales

Scales for Meat Processing

Scales for
Meat Processing

Silo and Tank Weighing

Silo and Tank

Weight Indicators

Weight Indicators

Floor Scales

Floor Scales

Bench Scales

Bench Scales

Scales for Meat Processing

Scales for
Meat Processing

Silo and Tank Weighing

Silo and Tank

Weight Indicators

Weight Indicators

Floor Scales

Floor Scales

Bench Scales

Bench Scales

Scales for Meat Processing

Scales for
Meat Processing

Silo and Tank Weighing

Silo and Tank Weighing

Weight Indicators

Weight Indicators

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